Entries from 2019-01-01 to 1 year

Warcry Core Book Lire PDF ebooks

Télécharger ebooks [fr] ... Rival warbands battle for territory and influence amidst the Chaos-corrupted wastes of the Eightpoints! Enter the dark world of Warcry in the Core Book – your guide to skirmish combat in the Mortal Realms and th…

Kill Team: Elites (Enhanced Edition) Lire PDF ebooks

Télécharger ebooks [fr] ... Though kill teams may number only a handful of individuals, they are sent to achieve victory where entire armies cannot. Assassination, sabotage, couriering vital messages through active war zones – these and hu…

Codex: Chaos Knights (Enhanced Edition) Lire PDF ebooks

Télécharger ebooks [fr] ... Codex: Chaos Knights is your complete guide to the Questoris Traitoris – the Chaos Knights. In this codex, you'll discover how the Chaos Knights were once paragons of honour and nobility, but fell to the corrupt…

The Home Edit Lire PDF ebooks

Télécharger ebooks [fr] ... NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • There’s decorating, and then there’s organizing. From the Instagram-sensation home experts (with a serious fan club that includes Reese Witherspoon, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Mindy Kaling)…

Adorable dînette Lire PDF ebooks

Télécharger ebooks [fr] ... Si vous aimez les paniers gourmands, les ravissantes dînettes et le crochet, ce livre est fait pour vous ! Marie de So Croch’ vous apprendra à crocheter des fruits et légumes plus adorables les uns que les autre…

Imperium Nihilus: Vigilus Ablaze (Enhanced Edition) Lire PDF ebooks

Télécharger ebooks [fr] ... War continues to ravage the sentinel world of Vigilus, yet the fighting is about to escalate to a whole new level. The dreaded Warmaster himself, Abaddon the Despoiler, has arrived at the head of a vast Chaos fl…